
Luis Orlando Perez-Guitierrez

Senior Associate, Sanchez Devanny Law Firm in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.

Luis Orlando is an M&A and transactional lawyer with extensive experience in the corporate financing and energy sectors. Since the implementation of the energy reform Luis Orlando has been involved in Sánchez Devanny’s Energy Industry Group, advising several domestic and foreign clients in energy matters in Mexico, advising them to enter into the new wholesale electricity market such as generators, suppliers, traders and final users and clients in the long term electricity, capacity and clean energy certificates tenders. Luis Orlando has been actively participating in the Nuevo Leon’s Energy Cluster (Cluster Energético de Nuevo León), a civil organization working under the triple helix concept (university-industry-government) for the development and promotion of the energy sector in the State of Nuevo León, México. Luis Orlando is a member of the Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas, A.C. – Monterrey Chapter (Mexican Institute for Finance Officers) and for the last four years has been chairman of the corporate legal committee.
